
There's a first time for everything...

Well, today is a new one for me. Hopefully the only people reading this are my closest friends, otherwise I will be severely embarassed. We decided to head out to Peaks Island for the day where we rented bicycles and rode all around the island. Things were going great til we got hungry and stopped at a little restaurant to eat. All I had was half a club sandwich, then we took off on bikes again. Well, the past few days a new "symptom" if you will, has been severe gas cramps/pains on and off. Like, really really bad. But half the time I can't release anything. It's awful, but I also tell myself that I need to get through the pain because labor will be a million times worse. So, we're riding along and slowly but surely these cramps start up. I was trying to just keep riding and enjoy myself, but it would force me to stop for a few minutes at a time while my stomach finally relaxed. Then it got bad. I realized it wasn't just my typical gas pains. I needed to poop. We found this little dead end dirt road where we parked the bikes, and I ran into the trees as quickly as I could with only newspaper to wipe myself with.

I had diarrhea. In the woods. Like, explosive. While spiders crawled all around me and I had to try not to move or flinch or else poop would land on my shorts. UGH. So disgusting. My child is going to read this someday and disown me, but in retrospect it's pretty comical so I figured I would share.

Pooped in the woods? Check.


  1. I guess that one is off the bucket list!

    P.S. I'm also positive that'll happen to me...or I'm gonna have the WORST smelling farts EVER lol

  2. this was hilarious but i do feel bad at your increasing misfortune (when it comes to explosive ass). hopefully this side effect will pass! xoxox
