
17 weeks, 6 days

Me and Baby Foster rockin' the tie dye from my bachelorette party:

I keep getting nosebleeds lately. I mean, I always used to have issues with them in the wintertime, but it's August for cryin' out loud! For example, last night I woke from a dead sleep around 3 a.m. and realized in my foggy state of mind I was having one. Ran to the bathroom and flipped on the lights, thus nearly blinding myself. Finally successfully reached around and found the toilet paper. Eyes slowly adjusted only to find my hand and face covered in dried blood from subconsciously wiping my nose in my sleep. SO GROSS! This kid is grounded already.
Honestly though, it's all so great and exciting. Last night it was moving around a lot more than I've felt thus far. No real strong jabs or kicks yet, but definitely lots of activity. Doctor's appointment tomorrow. One day closer to our big ultrasound!
How far along: 17 weeks, 6 days
Baby is the size of: an onion (still. tomorrow it becomes a sweet potato)
Weight: 146
Cravings: i'm all about the reese's peanut butter cups lately. king size package and all. hell yes for not feeling super guilty!


I felt it move!

For a few days I kept wondering if I was feeling the baby move, or if it was indigestion. Finally Tuesday night while we were sitting in a comedy club in NYC I felt a distinct kick out of no where. Just one, but it was so cool. And as I sit here now I can feel little nudges and stuff going on. I am sure as I get bigger I will wish it would just calm down in there so I can be comfortable, but for now it's awesome. I wish it would move all the time.

Part of our trip to NYC included a visit to the exhibit Bodies. Basically they have fully preserved human specimens on display to show all the different systems in the body and functions they perform. It was really interesting, though mildly creepy. Part of the exhibit (they warn you before you enter) is a room full of fetuses that died in embryo, and also ones that had birth defects. As sad as it is, the specimens were really fascinating. Looking at an actual baby at 6 weeks that is half the size of a kidney bean and then seeing ones at nearly full term is incredible. They had some on display that were 15 weeks, then 24 weeks, so it was interesting to get a full visual of roughly where our baby is at in between. There was also the abdomen of a pregnant woman who had died, and the stomach was cut open to reveal how the baby is positioned in the uterus relative to all the other organs. It sounds awful, but I wish this part of the whole exhibit had had more to see. The process of pregnancy and the fetus growing into a human is really remarkable.

Not much else to report. Other than needing a lot of sleep I feel pretty normal. Our next appointment is a week from today, so we'll see how things are going then.

How far along: 17 weeks
Baby is the size of: an onion
Weight: mom's house said 146 which would mean I'm up 3 lbs over my last appointment. Yay for not having the midwives be mad at me
Cravings: cheese cheese cheese and more cheese


16 weeks, 2 days

Not a whole lot to report over the past week or so. I think I look the same, so I'll try a new picture next week. This week the baby's legs are finally longer than it's arms, and it's ear bones are developing so it can start to hear. It's currently the size of an avocado. I think every once in a while I may be feeling it move, but it's hard to tell if it's just my body digesting food or actually the baby yet. I can't wait to know for sure! 12 more days until my next appointment when they will finally schedule the big ultrasound where we can find out. I try not to think of it too often because I get so antsy, but it's hard the closer it gets. I just want to stop calling it "it" and become more involved with who "it" will be, and preparing for "it".

According to my scale, which has lately decided to work again, I still haven't gained anything. Normally I'd be psyched, but I get nervous that the longer I go without gaining means that at the end I'm going to gain so rapidly that I will live in stretch mark land the rest of my life. Don't get me wrong, there are worse things, but it would be nice to come away from all of this looking close to my old self.

Annnnnd that's all I have for now I guess. Maybe this week will bring excitement. Oh, on a side note, 16 weeks is 40% of the way there! That's crazy to me. I guess it's going by quicker than I realize.