
Tick Tock

I feel like time is moving SO slowly lately. I'm not sleeping that comfortably. I wake up usually 3-5 times a night to go pee. After barely eating any food I feel completely stuffed and it's hard to breathe, even though my brain still thinks I'm hungry. Tonight I feel really nauseous for the first time in a while. I actually threw up once, and learned that popcorn is not fun coming back up. 

In non-whiny news, I got in the shower today with my underwear on. That was pretty awesome. I know I can be forgetful, but sheesh!

I guess I can't believe I still have 9 more weeks of this, and yet I try to tell myself to enjoy it because I know I will miss being pregnant, and we are definitely not having any more children after Abby.

 I have been thinking a lot about the fact that I am going to have to go through labor again, and trying to mentally gear up to go for med-free if possible. I also feel like there is an ass pile of things to get done before she arrives, so I am anxiously awaiting Labor Day when I will be cutting back hours at the restaurant even more and can hopefully have time to get the house organized the way I want.

How far along: 30 weeks 6 days
Baby is the size of: a pineapple
Weight: 172
Cravings: nothing specific - been eating lots of snacks since I get full so easily (cheese, trail mix, etc.)


12 weeks left

We just got home last night from our quick trip to Illinois to visit my family. Flying went much better than I thought! I wasn't too uncomfortable, and Wyatt was mostly a dream. He was too fascinated with looking out the windows and playing peekaboo with the people behind us to care about much else. 

My family threw me a small surprise baby shower, since they weren't really able to be involved with anything when I was pregnant with Wyatt. It was so sweet of them, and we got some really adorable little outfits. Made me even more anxious to meet miss Abigail.

We ate a ridiculous amount of fast food and junk while out there, but I am happy that out of it all I didn't gain a single pound even since before we left. I do feel kind of gross though, and need to get some healthy foods back into my system.

Off to my check-up shortly. After today I start going every 2 weeks instead of 4. I feel like everything about this pregnancy is flying by. 

How far along: 28 weeks
Baby is the size of: an eggplant
Weight: 170
Cravings: diet coke, anything with chocolate