
Less than a month

This was taken a few days ago, before me, Mom and Wyatt went to the Red Sox game. 

Officially less than a month until my due date! Had an appointment yesterday morning. The midwife said Abby is very low (no duh - that's why I can't stop peeing/feel like there's a bowling ball between my legs), and that she feels on the small side (victory cheers for my vagina!). I go back a week from today. Depending on how I feel throughout the week I may have them check and see if I'm dilated at all. I have this weird gut feeling that I'm going to go early this time. Guess we'll see!

Otherwise the "nesting" urge has really kicked in lately. I've done lots of shopping for clothes this week since she was fated to live in her own little nudist colony if I hadn't (plus shopping is fun!). I've also made a to-do list of projects to get the house cleaned and ready. Michael kicked it off today by using the rug doctor on all the carpets, and mopping all the floors. I need to wash the infant car seat and get it installed in my car so it's ready to go. I need to wash all the aforementioned clothes so they will be ready for her. I need to pack my hospital bag so it will be ready to grab and go. Buy new bottles/pacifiers/etc. So so much to do.

How far along: 36 weeks 1 day
Baby is the size of: a honeydew melon
Weight: 181
Cravings: lets just say it's a very bad thing that the Halloween "fun size" candy bars are out *insert blushing here*


Next Month

When people ask me when I'm due I now get to say, "next month". When the heck did that happen??

Had an appointment yesterday morning and finally saw the midwife who delivered Wyatt (there are 4 midwives in my practice, and I hadn't seen her yet this pregnancy). I really hope she is the one working in the hospital the day I give birth to Abigail. That would be so cool! 

Anyhow, everything is looking good. Abby is head down like she should be by now (although it's highly uncomfortable!). Based on feeling my belly, Laura (the midwife) said she thinks Abby feels pretty average sized so far. I go back in two weeks, and then I have weekly appointments from there. It's approaching so so so quickly now. 

Our double stroller got delivered the other day, so now I need to find the time to put it together and test it out since I bought it online when it was on sale without ever actually checking it out in stores. I also need to get my butt in gear and get our bedroom deep cleaned and organized for having the bassinet and a changing area. And get Wyatt's room deep cleaned and organized, since they will eventually be sharing (and Abby's clothes will be in there from the get go). 

How far along: 34 weeks 1 day
Baby is the size of: a butternut squash
Weight: 178
Cravings: chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate


Tick Tock

I feel like time is moving SO slowly lately. I'm not sleeping that comfortably. I wake up usually 3-5 times a night to go pee. After barely eating any food I feel completely stuffed and it's hard to breathe, even though my brain still thinks I'm hungry. Tonight I feel really nauseous for the first time in a while. I actually threw up once, and learned that popcorn is not fun coming back up. 

In non-whiny news, I got in the shower today with my underwear on. That was pretty awesome. I know I can be forgetful, but sheesh!

I guess I can't believe I still have 9 more weeks of this, and yet I try to tell myself to enjoy it because I know I will miss being pregnant, and we are definitely not having any more children after Abby.

 I have been thinking a lot about the fact that I am going to have to go through labor again, and trying to mentally gear up to go for med-free if possible. I also feel like there is an ass pile of things to get done before she arrives, so I am anxiously awaiting Labor Day when I will be cutting back hours at the restaurant even more and can hopefully have time to get the house organized the way I want.

How far along: 30 weeks 6 days
Baby is the size of: a pineapple
Weight: 172
Cravings: nothing specific - been eating lots of snacks since I get full so easily (cheese, trail mix, etc.)


12 weeks left

We just got home last night from our quick trip to Illinois to visit my family. Flying went much better than I thought! I wasn't too uncomfortable, and Wyatt was mostly a dream. He was too fascinated with looking out the windows and playing peekaboo with the people behind us to care about much else. 

My family threw me a small surprise baby shower, since they weren't really able to be involved with anything when I was pregnant with Wyatt. It was so sweet of them, and we got some really adorable little outfits. Made me even more anxious to meet miss Abigail.

We ate a ridiculous amount of fast food and junk while out there, but I am happy that out of it all I didn't gain a single pound even since before we left. I do feel kind of gross though, and need to get some healthy foods back into my system.

Off to my check-up shortly. After today I start going every 2 weeks instead of 4. I feel like everything about this pregnancy is flying by. 

How far along: 28 weeks
Baby is the size of: an eggplant
Weight: 170
Cravings: diet coke, anything with chocolate


Over the hump

 Another comparison photo. Left is today, right is with Wyatt on this exact day.

I'm past the half way mark, and yet I feel like I have forever left to go. Feeling really well lately. My appetite is out of control. For example, I ate an entire box of Cheez-Its in one day. So, that's totally healthy and my baby will come out orange I am sure.

In good news, I am only up 5 lbs as of right now, and on this day with Wyatt I was up 10 lbs, so I guess I'm doing better thus far. 

Not much else to update on for now. Still stuck between two names for our little girl. I will win this one at some point :)

How far along: 21 weeks, 4 days
Baby is the size of: a pomegranate
Weight: 165
Cravings: anything and everything


Time for a Change

This is me today, and the shirt is a clue as to our news. We are having a girl this time!! Here she is:

Just for comparison, the bottom one is Wyatt when we found out he is a boy.

I love her little hand in the upper right corner. The ultrasound tech said everything looked good and was right on track. Now we finally get to give away our bins of boy clothes, and do some shopping! I normally don't like pink,  but I can't wait to buy a few cute girly outfits. Our next task is to decide on a name for her. We have a few options, just need to agree upon one.

How far along: 18 weeks, 6 days
Baby is the size of: a sweet potato
Weight: 162
Cravings: beef. I constantly want a hamburger or steak.



I find it interesting to compare sometimes. The top picture is me, yesterday, at 17 weeks 6 days along. The bottom picture is me with Wyatt, at exactly the same 17 weeks 6 days.

The past few weeks everything has been going along smoothly. My appetite is ferocious, and I'm not sure how I haven't gained more weight yet. I AM sure that it's coming soon though.

We got a new baby, Lucy, as my Mother's Day gift.

 Other than some accidents, she is fitting into the family quite well. I am hoping she will be fairly calmed down, and fully trained, by the time this baby arrives.

We were on vacation all last week, and did lots of hiking trips through the White Mountains, and visited the New England Aquarium.I threw up once in the mountains, which was really random and bizarre, but immediately felt fine afterwards. I'm hoping that was the last time this pregnancy.

We have our ultrasound scheduled for May 30 to find out what we're having, so I cannot wait for these next 5 days to pass!!! If I haven't said it already, my gut feeling is girl, so we'll see....

How far along: 18 weeks
Baby is the size of: a sweet potato
Weight: 161
Cravings: pretty much anything I can get my hands on. My new favorite sweet treat is a graham cracker square with a Hershey's chocolate square on top (we were supposed to make s'mores but never had a fire) 


14 weeks

This one's for you Julie :)

I feel like I look huge suddenly. And even though I'm now in the beginning of the second trimester when the nausea and fatigue is supposed to get better, I feel worse than ever. I have only kept down water so far today. My skin is a mess and not at all that pregnancy "glow" you're supposed to get. I just feel like overall this time around is way harder on my body. Luckily, it seems to be going by much faster than with Wyatt. Probably because I'm so busy taking care of him that I don't have time to focus on the pregnancy.

I went to the ER a couple weekends ago with a really severe pain in my left side. They couldn't figure out what it was, and thankfully that has subsided.

Our next appointment is about 3 weeks away, so nothing exciting really until then.

How far along: 14 weeks on the dot
Baby is the size of: a lemon
Weight: 160
Cravings: crackers


Due Date Change

So we got to go in for an ultrasound to find out exactly how far along I am. My thoughts were correct - the day I had the ultrasound I was 9 weeks on the dot (rather than the 11 they were telling me initially). This puts my due date at October 25th. We got a couple pictures of the baby. It's a tiny little blob that had teeny tiny legs that were sort of kicking at one point.

A week from tomorrow we have another ultrasound to screen for certain birth defects. Michael didn't make to to the ultrasound a few weeks ago, so I'm happy he will get to see our baby this time. It will also be cool to see how much it has changed in a few weeks time.

I was doing really well earlier this week with walking on our treadmill. I have set goals for myself of 150 minutes per week (essentially 5 days of 30 minute workouts) and aiming for 10 miles walked per week (2 miles a day). I haven't been in a couple days though, due to bad headaches and now a sore throat. Bleh. Michael was sick last week, and now Wyatt has boogers 24/7, which I inevitably get all over me while struggling to wipe his face/receiving slobbery kisses/etc.

All in all, things are going along smoothly. I am most anxious to find out what we are having this time. I keep thinking girl, but then I doubt myself. If it is another boy, then we are completely stuck on names. Pretty sure we have our girl name picked out though.

How far along: confirmed 10 weeks 5 days
Baby is the size of: a prune
Weight: 162
Cravings: most everything I eat involves cheese somehow


11 weeks...maybe

This is me wearing shorts and a tank top, in Maine, in March. SO sweet!

Anyhow, today was my second appointment. When I was pregnant with Wyatt there were 4 midwives in the practice. Two of them have since left, and two new ladies have replaced them. Today we met A, a new midwife who, just like the others, is super cool. I am thrilled to have these caring women surround me throughout my pregnancy.

So at today's appointment, A said we would very likely hear the heartbeat, since by 12 weeks it's pretty much guaranteed to find it with the doppler. I then explained the whole I-think-I'm-really-two-weeks-less-than-you-think-I-am spiel, to which she said that if it were the case, we may not hear the heartbeat. She tried for a solid (and long!) 5 minutes or so. Finally she said, "I'll give it one last swoop across your belly", and at the last second we suddenly heard this fast swishing sound. It was faint, but there! It made me feel so giddy.

After that she gave me a pelvic exam, and said by feeling my uterus she would have put me around 10 weeks, so because of all the confusion she's having me go back in tomorrow morning for an ultrasound to get an accurate idea of how far along I really am (since it will affect future screening tests, etc.). I am so excited to see baby Foster #2! The early months of pregnancy are weird. You know you're pregnant, and you feel pregnant due to the nausea/fatigue/sore boobs. But you can't actually feel the baby moving yet, you don't really have much of a belly yet, so it's all surreal and easy to forget that there's actually a little tiny human in there. Between the heartbeat, and tomorrow's ultrasound, everything is quickly feeling more and more real.

How far along:11 (9? 10?) weeks
Baby is the size of: an olive, prune or lime
Weight: 162
Cravings: not much. This pregnancy is much different as far as food is concerned. There's hardly anything that ever sounds good to me, or if I finally decide on something to eat, it doesn't taste right and I barely touch it.


Due Date Changed

Here's me looking lame post-shower at 9 weeks along.

Had our first doctor's appointment yesterday. We met with the nurse and they did the basic pee in a cup, blood pressure type stuff. Mostly just checked in to see if we had any questions, then did some bloodwork. The one major thing that came out of it all was that even though I told her I knew exactly when we conceived since it was the only time with no protection, she said they're still going to base my due date off my last period, so they bumped me up two weeks from October 24 to October 10!

I go back in two weeks and get to meet one of the two new midwives at the practice. And sometime in the next 2-3 weeks we will have an ultrasound scheduled - just waiting to hear back from the hospital on when that is.

Other than being tired though, I feel mostly great. The couple episodes of nausea have been more from not eating when I take my prenatal vitamin.

How far along: 9 weeks, 1 day
Baby is the size of: a grape
Weight: 162
Cravings: ate a slice of a lime tonight, then all I wanted were Sour Patch Kids!


Week 5

So I had been taking my temperature in the mornings since the end of October because my cycles were getting longer and longer, and I had no idea when to expect my period. This cycle the charting tool online (fertilityfriend.com) said that I ovulated on January 25, so a week later we figured we were in the clear. I was expecting my period to start February 8, so each day that went by and I was "late" with no period showing up, I started wondering. I finally posted my chart on a "trying to get pregnant" message board, since those ladies understand charting a lot more than I do. Many of them thought I may have actually ovulated on January 31, which made me realize if that was true there was definite potential for being pregnant. My temperatures were dropping a little, but still high. I tested 3 days in a row getting negatives, but knew it still might be too soon to tell. I took a day off, then tested again on Valentine's day, and got a positive on 4 tests! (Guess the first one wasn't proof enough haha)

Anyhow, here I am yesterday at 5 weeks exactly:

How far along: 5 weeks, 1 day

Baby is the size of: an appleseed

Weight: 159

Cravings: still cheese, but also eating insane amounts of red grapes


Back Again

Can't believe I am pregnant again! We were definitely surprised this time. With Wyatt we were surprised only because it happened the first cycle off birth control. This time was actual, holy crap, I know what we did but still how did that ONE time work?

Needless to say, we're both excited! I am glad they're going to be so close in age. However we also have lots of things to figure out between now and baby, such as a new vehicle that will actually fit all 4 of us in place of Michael's truck, buying another crib, etc.

So far I have random cramping. Earlier in the week I was burping a lot like I did with Wyatt. My boobs felt heavy, but now my nipples are just on and off sore. I know it hasn't been that long, but it's funny suddenly remembering what being pregnant was like. I'm just trying to enjoy every day because I know we aren't having more kids after this.

How far along: 4 weeks, 5 days

Baby is the size of: a poppyseed

Weight: 158 (up 14lbs. from pre-Wyatt, hoping to gain less this time around)

Cravings: Cheese, fruit. Diet Coke kinda tastes gross to me right now, which is a good thing.