
We Have A Baby!


I have been so incredibly anxious since we found out we are pregnant to have our ultrasound. After our loss in June I knew it was going to feel scary to be back in that room finding out of the last month was real or not. It was such a relief to see a little baby blob on the screen, and then to see that heartbeat flickering away! Baby S measured 2 days ahead of where we are at, with a heart rate of 170. Feeling so much relief that this is our time finally ☺️


7 Weeks

 Feeling excited to be this far along! It’s hard not to worry each day. I think once we have our ultrasound this week I’ll be able to relax more. My dreams have been screwy, multiple dreams about bleeding and early on I had dreams about my pregnancy test lines getting lighter. After our last loss my dreams make me nervous since last time it came true.

I was really nauseous from 6-6+5, then had a few days where it felt less intense. Last night I was back to dry heaving. My boobs have felt big and sore for a few days, especially my nipples 😫

All I’m eating is carbs - bread, mini bagels, crackers, pasta. I had grapes one day and broccoli the next and those felt like a win haha.

Looking forward to the rest of this journey!

7 weeks 2 days