
5 1/2 months along

Turns out my bellybutton is disappearing:

In the meantime, my waistline continues to grow:

I feel really great lately. It's nice to finally look pregnant, without being so huge yet that I'm completely uncomfortable. Also, Wyatt has been kicking more than ever, which continues to be reassuring. I had my first stranger acknowledge that I am pregnant the other day while we were walking around the Harley-Davidson store.
Last night I started a registry on Wal-Mart & Target's websites, due to the number of people who keep asking if I have yet. If nothing else, we will get discounts on the items we don't receive, which is good considering the price of bigger items (stoller, swing, etc.). It is fun looking through everything, but still a little overwhelming not knowing what I really need or not.
How far along: 23 weeks, 5 days
Baby is the size of: a papaya
Weight: 158 (15 lb. gain thus far)
Cravings: cheese
**Edit: looking at the last picture to this one seems like such a big change in only 2 weeks!! Geez louise.


No willpower

Is it wrong to bake a cake at 11:30 p.m. just to have some chocolate?

I am about to find out.


It's 3:57 a.m. and I just finished a bowl of Corn Pops, immediately followed by a bowl of microwaveable Easy Mac. I'm still hungry but we appear to have run out of anything easy and tasty to make. Guess I will try to sleep again, and hope that being so hungry I feel sick to my stomach doesn't wake me again.

Wyatt, you're grounded already.



New Pictures

Not really sure what changed, but my camera & computer decided to work in harmony once again. Here is a picture from today:

Proof it's gonna be a boy:

Profile View:

Another Profile, with Big Belly:

Luckily he doesn't appear to have my side of the family's nose yet. Feeling great lately, starting to not sleep so much. Bending over to pick something up is getting tougher already however. Played in a golf tournament yesterday and that was a lot of up and down to get the ball. Can't imagine when I'm REALLY big. Also, hopefully it's still only friends who read this, my left nipple has started leaking every night/early morning. SO bizarre. I wake up with a wet spot on my shirt, and little hardened circles of milk, even though it doesn't look like milk. Not sure how I'm feeling about this "symptom" if you will.

How far along: 21 weeks, 4 days
Baby is the size of: a banana (in length)
Weight: 153 (holy crap, 4 lbs. since my last post just 12 days ago, this is a dangerous rate of gain...)
Cravings: I keep eating chicken parmesan sandwiches at work, even though it's not on the menu. sometimes the perks of being pregnant are fun


Half Baked

Today we had our anatomy scan to measure all the baby's organs and make sure everything looked nice and healthy. We also got to find out that we are expecting a boy!! Very excited and looking forward to meeting little Wyatt in January. He was measuring in the 55th percentile. The ultrasound tech said 50% is perfect (average) so he's just a little bit ahead, but measurements also aren't perfect, so basically we're right on track. Got some new cute ultrasound photos I will have to scan in. Also tried to upload the newest baby bump picture, but my computer is fighting with me.

All in all things are going well! I can't believe that I am now officially half way through pregnancy. January sounds so far away still, but at this rate I know time will fly by. My only complaint lately is that I can't seem to get enough sleep. Ever. It makes me feel lazy and useless. Hopefully that will change?

How far along: 20 weeks
Baby is the size of: a cantaloupe!
Weight: 149 (now the weight is starting to stick on...up 6 lbs. in total so far)
Cravings: turkey sandwich & diet coke, a combo made in heaven