
Week 5

So I had been taking my temperature in the mornings since the end of October because my cycles were getting longer and longer, and I had no idea when to expect my period. This cycle the charting tool online (fertilityfriend.com) said that I ovulated on January 25, so a week later we figured we were in the clear. I was expecting my period to start February 8, so each day that went by and I was "late" with no period showing up, I started wondering. I finally posted my chart on a "trying to get pregnant" message board, since those ladies understand charting a lot more than I do. Many of them thought I may have actually ovulated on January 31, which made me realize if that was true there was definite potential for being pregnant. My temperatures were dropping a little, but still high. I tested 3 days in a row getting negatives, but knew it still might be too soon to tell. I took a day off, then tested again on Valentine's day, and got a positive on 4 tests! (Guess the first one wasn't proof enough haha)

Anyhow, here I am yesterday at 5 weeks exactly:

How far along: 5 weeks, 1 day

Baby is the size of: an appleseed

Weight: 159

Cravings: still cheese, but also eating insane amounts of red grapes


Back Again

Can't believe I am pregnant again! We were definitely surprised this time. With Wyatt we were surprised only because it happened the first cycle off birth control. This time was actual, holy crap, I know what we did but still how did that ONE time work?

Needless to say, we're both excited! I am glad they're going to be so close in age. However we also have lots of things to figure out between now and baby, such as a new vehicle that will actually fit all 4 of us in place of Michael's truck, buying another crib, etc.

So far I have random cramping. Earlier in the week I was burping a lot like I did with Wyatt. My boobs felt heavy, but now my nipples are just on and off sore. I know it hasn't been that long, but it's funny suddenly remembering what being pregnant was like. I'm just trying to enjoy every day because I know we aren't having more kids after this.

How far along: 4 weeks, 5 days

Baby is the size of: a poppyseed

Weight: 158 (up 14lbs. from pre-Wyatt, hoping to gain less this time around)

Cravings: Cheese, fruit. Diet Coke kinda tastes gross to me right now, which is a good thing.