
Chapter 2

Today I am officially in the 2nd trimester! Some days 40 weeks sounds SO long, then other days I feel like it's all flying by so fast. We went to Maine Med on Friday morning for our ultrasound and blood work to do screening for downs and other genetic problems. I have to give blood one more time in a few weeks before I have official results, but the doctor said everything looked great to her. Seeing the baby for the first time was just so amazing. It's still very surreal sometimes. It was moving around quite a bit, and because the skin is transluscent you could see the spine and heartbeat really clearly. Heartbeat was at 154 bpm this time. We got some good photos printed out of the profile, and also a funny alien looking one. Hopefully with some time off I will get a pregnancy scrapbook started soon to store all of these memories and photos in.

How far along: 13weeks, 3 days
Baby is the size of: a peach
Weight: ??? my scale is f-ed up. I definitely have not lost 8 lbs this week lol
Cravings: spaghettios

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