
First Appointment

Today we went in for our first doctor's appointment. Mostly she talked about our options for doctor vs. midwife, what to eat/not eat, what to expect the next 9 months, etc. I had to have blood drawn to do some basic testing. The most exciting part was making our next appointment, where we'll get to hear the heartbeat!

Last week was our honeymoon for 10 days in Costa Rica. About 2 or 3 days into the trip nausea really set in hard. I will feel so hungry that I'm going to be sick, but then when I actually get food I can barely eat anything. Some days are better than others. The doctor told me today it's important to constantly graze so you don't hit that point of severe sickness. I have thrown up a handful of times over the past week. This baby better be cute ;)
How far along: 7 weeks
Baby is the size of: a blueberry!
Weight: 149
Gym: no
Water: 48 oz
Cravings: carbohydrates! They help to settle my stomach. All I've eaten today is rice, pasta, cereal, crackers, and bread (gross!)

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