Another Milestone
Anyhow, Sunday night I found out I had strep throat. I am now undergoing 10 days of taking penicillin. My boss gave me Monday off, then I had my usual Tuesday/Wednesday. Lots of hours on the couch/internet/bed. Tonight was my first shift back, though much shorter than normal. Did pretty well, considering, however I talked so much at work that my throat feels a little irritated again. This week finally made me hit the point of thinking "I want to be done!". I feel huge, and unattractive, and run down. Just 3 weeks left! And only 13 days of work (not that I'm counting or anything...)
I think I've had my first contractions, though they are extremely random. However, if my hunch is correct, then holy hell labor is going to hurt. I really would love to have a med-free birth, but I just don't know. If anything, I hope to avoid an epidural and/or c-section.
How far along: 37 weeks
Baby is the size of: a WATERMELON! Holy $#*@!!! Roughly 6.5 lbs right now
Weight: 184 (41 lb. gain - I've totally given up caring and just eat whatever I want)
Cravings: none really. I feel like I eat far less lately than I should. No space left for food.
One Month Until Due Date
I can't believe I have slacked on updating for so long. Guess I've been busy with work and the holidays. Speaking of work, my lower back tends to ache most shifts after standing all day. Prelude weekend I basically went home each shift and wanted to cry because we were so busy and my body was so exhausted and sore. However, they have let me start using a stool when I help out at the host stand, so that's cool even though I feel uber-lazy.
I now have stretch marks. Lots of em. All on the lower part of my belly though, under my bellybutton. Hopefully they will fade later. If not, I have (mostly) accepted them. At my last appointment I was able to ask lots of questions, since our birth class ended up being a bust. They said I am measuring right on track, belly-wise. Also, little Wyatt has a nice strong heartbeat, which is great. Starting to notice some slight swelling as well. My wedding ring is tough to put on and take off, and my ankles are slowly inching their way towards becoming cankles. Oh, and I have a lot more pressure in my pelvis, which is good because it means he's dropping, but bad because I pee even more frequently than before, and I get crampy from time to time.
Last week I had 2 more surprise "showers". My dad's girlfriend and family surprised us when we were all out to dinner with gifts and cupcakes, since they missed the shower at mom's house. Then this past Saturday morning I went into work expecting a normal day, only to find my co-workers had decorated our smaller dining room to surprise me. They put out a great spread of breakfast foods, and I received some fantastic gifts, including the very generous gift of the swing we had registered for (everyone pitched in). It just helped me be even more thankful that not only do I have a job in this economy, but it's one that I enjoy.
It's so wild to think that it could happen at any time now! Can't wait to see what he looks like :)
How far along: 35 weeks, 4 days
Baby is the size of: a honeydew melon (roughly 18" long and 5.5 lbs.)
Weight: 179 (36 lb. gain)
Cravings: none, really. I haven't been eating as often, or enjoying the tastes of food the way I normally do. However, I have probably indulged in holiday treats far too often!
Baby Shower, etc.

I would post more photos, but I look like a complete chubster. All in all the shower was a great time. It was so nice to have (almost) all of my friends in one spot together. My mom came up with some entertaining games, and we received more generous gifts than I was prepared to sort out and find space for!
Baby is the size of: a squash, still
Final Stretch

Cravings: none lately. I feel as though I've actually been eating less. Trying to up my iron intake, however. Doctor's orders.
3rd Trimester

Baby is the size of: an eggplant (still); roughly 15" long and close to 2.5 lbs!
Weight: 164 (21 lb. gain thus far)
6 months

Cravings: grapefruit & pomegranate juice mixed - delicious!
5 1/2 months along

I feel really great lately. It's nice to finally look pregnant, without being so huge yet that I'm completely uncomfortable. Also, Wyatt has been kicking more than ever, which continues to be reassuring. I had my first stranger acknowledge that I am pregnant the other day while we were walking around the Harley-Davidson store.
Baby is the size of: a papaya
Weight: 158 (15 lb. gain thus far)
No willpower
I am about to find out.
Wyatt, you're grounded already.
New Pictures

Another Profile, with Big Belly:

Luckily he doesn't appear to have my side of the family's nose yet. Feeling great lately, starting to not sleep so much. Bending over to pick something up is getting tougher already however. Played in a golf tournament yesterday and that was a lot of up and down to get the ball. Can't imagine when I'm REALLY big. Also, hopefully it's still only friends who read this, my left nipple has started leaking every night/early morning. SO bizarre. I wake up with a wet spot on my shirt, and little hardened circles of milk, even though it doesn't look like milk. Not sure how I'm feeling about this "symptom" if you will.
Half Baked
All in all things are going well! I can't believe that I am now officially half way through pregnancy. January sounds so far away still, but at this rate I know time will fly by. My only complaint lately is that I can't seem to get enough sleep. Ever. It makes me feel lazy and useless. Hopefully that will change?
How far along: 20 weeks
Baby is the size of: a cantaloupe!
Weight: 149 (now the weight is starting to stick on...up 6 lbs. in total so far)
Cravings: turkey sandwich & diet coke, a combo made in heaven
17 weeks, 6 days

I felt it move!
Part of our trip to NYC included a visit to the exhibit Bodies. Basically they have fully preserved human specimens on display to show all the different systems in the body and functions they perform. It was really interesting, though mildly creepy. Part of the exhibit (they warn you before you enter) is a room full of fetuses that died in embryo, and also ones that had birth defects. As sad as it is, the specimens were really fascinating. Looking at an actual baby at 6 weeks that is half the size of a kidney bean and then seeing ones at nearly full term is incredible. They had some on display that were 15 weeks, then 24 weeks, so it was interesting to get a full visual of roughly where our baby is at in between. There was also the abdomen of a pregnant woman who had died, and the stomach was cut open to reveal how the baby is positioned in the uterus relative to all the other organs. It sounds awful, but I wish this part of the whole exhibit had had more to see. The process of pregnancy and the fetus growing into a human is really remarkable.
Not much else to report. Other than needing a lot of sleep I feel pretty normal. Our next appointment is a week from today, so we'll see how things are going then.
How far along: 17 weeks
Baby is the size of: an onion
Weight: mom's house said 146 which would mean I'm up 3 lbs over my last appointment. Yay for not having the midwives be mad at me
Cravings: cheese cheese cheese and more cheese
16 weeks, 2 days
According to my scale, which has lately decided to work again, I still haven't gained anything. Normally I'd be psyched, but I get nervous that the longer I go without gaining means that at the end I'm going to gain so rapidly that I will live in stretch mark land the rest of my life. Don't get me wrong, there are worse things, but it would be nice to come away from all of this looking close to my old self.
Annnnnd that's all I have for now I guess. Maybe this week will bring excitement. Oh, on a side note, 16 weeks is 40% of the way there! That's crazy to me. I guess it's going by quicker than I realize.
15 weeks, 1 day
Truckin' along
Also, contradictory to the not-gaining-weight thing, my boobs are getting HUGE. Well, I don't think they look super big yet, but I had to go buy new bras last week because mine were hurting me they were so tight. I had no idea where to start with sizing. Finally I ended up going from a 34C (which I never truly "filled") to a 36D (which I am rapidly realizing I am almost too big for). They feel heavy and awkward, as I'm not used to them being this size. At least Michael likes them :)
The newest thing I've been experiencing is a change in tastes. For a while shrimp didn't sound good to me, but earlier in the week I finally thought it sounded good again, so I ordered our coconut shrimp at work. Normally I hate coconut, but when we came out with this dish in May I ate it like everyday because once it's fried the coconut flavor is not noticeable. Well, I took one small bite and wanted to be sick. ALL I could taste was nasty coconut. Then, a few days later I ordered the grilled chicken strawberry salad at Michael's restaurant. I used to eat that for lunch almost daily when I worked at LoHo. I ate one of the mandarin oranges (which I LOVE and used to eat cans of) and it tasted like fish! UGH. So gross. And as of last night, I no longer like lobster. Poor Michael spent nearly 2 hours making this amazing looking dinner, and it totally grossed me out. I thought it sounded so good, but it made me throw up for the first time in close to 3 weeks. Stupid pregnancy. Hopefully I will like all these foods again once it's over!
Not much else to report here. The weeks seem to be going by faster suddenly. I am anxiously awaiting to feel the baby move. They said it should happen any time within the next 4 weeks or so. Also, at my next appointment on 8/19 they will schedule our "big" ultrasound where we can find out the gender if we want - 5 more weeks! (at which point I will be halfway done - weird)
How far along: 14 weeks, 6 days
Baby is the size of: a lemon
Weight: on Thursday's appointment it was 143
Cravings: diet coke (evil, EVIL!)
Chapter 2
How far along: 13weeks, 3 days
Baby is the size of: a peach
Weight: ??? my scale is f-ed up. I definitely have not lost 8 lbs this week lol
Cravings: spaghettios
12 weeks, 3 days

How far along: 12 weeks, 3 days
Baby is the size of: a plum
Weight: 144 (gaining now - probably all the no bake cookies i've been eating)
Cravings: tomatoey things
GREAT news
AND our kayak gets delivered tomorrow. So much fun to come!
There's a first time for everything...
I had diarrhea. In the woods. Like, explosive. While spiders crawled all around me and I had to try not to move or flinch or else poop would land on my shorts. UGH. So disgusting. My child is going to read this someday and disown me, but in retrospect it's pretty comical so I figured I would share.
Pooped in the woods? Check.
Week 11 (plus some....)

10 weeks
Heart to Heart
However, today is a good one. Heck, a GREAT one. We went in this morning for doctor's appointment #2 and got to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time! It was going strong at 175 bpm (some old wive's tales say that over 140 means a girl *fingers crossed*). It was so incredible to think this small little baby only an inch long had this loud racing heartbeat. It helped make everything seem more real (not that the nausea ISN'T...). My weight had gone down 4.5 lbs since the first visit, but they said that can be common with the nausea, and the fact that I've had a cold the past week.
Hopefully tomorrow I will remember to take a belly update picture since I will be in week 10! That means 1/4 of the way down already.
How far along: 9 weeks, 6 days
Baby is the size of: an olive
Weight: 144
Gym: haha, I should just take this question out....
Water: not much
Cravings: grilled cheese & tomato soup - totally hit the spot tonight!
First Appointment

Welcome to the World of Pregnancy
To recap:
Sunday May 9th (Mother's Day, ironically enough) I took my first pregnancy test and got a positive! I was feeling as though I may have been pregnant, but having never been pregnant before I couldn't be sure. It was both exciting, and is still overwhelming, to find out that I am. By my calculations I will be due January 19, 2011 but I will confirm that at my first doctor's appointment in early June.
Two days later on Tuesday I had planned on telling my mother after work. In the morning I went to the gym, where I typically guzzle water. Before heading to work I decided to take the second pregnancy test in the package just to be sure it was all really happening. Test #2 says "Not Pregnant". Confusion. I didn't have time before work to buy more tests, so I spent all day being worried and sad that I had already lost a little one I had started to love so much. Finally got out of work and took 2 tests on 2 different brands, and both confirmed that I was actually pregnant! Phew. Guess all my water-guzzling diluted my pee enough to throw off the reading.
So far I have no symptoms that are very strong or annoying. The first few nights I had crazy violent nightmares. I wake up every morning with a very stiff back and neck after sleeping like a rock all night. I have had on and off period-like cramps. The past few days my boobs have started feeling really heavy and sore. For the most part though, I don't "feel" pregnant yet. I suppose when my belly has turned into a bump everything will seem more real. My favorite part so far is that I get to take Flinstone vitamins again - I forgot how delicious those are!
Other than baby news, we are 4 days away from our wedding. I just finished packing for our honeymoon in Costa Rica (little pea will be a world traveler from a very early age!). These next few days will certainly be hectic, but I am very excited for our long awaited and planned day to finally arrive.
How far along: 4 weeks, 5 days
Baby is the size of: a poppyseed!
Weight: 144
Gym: no
Water: 48 oz
Cravings: cheesy stuff. lots of it. (not so helpful with the constipation symptom...)