Turns out my bellybutton is disappearing:

In the meantime, my waistline continues to grow:

I feel really great lately. It's nice to finally look pregnant, without being so huge yet that I'm completely uncomfortable. Also, Wyatt has been kicking more than ever, which continues to be reassuring. I had my first stranger acknowledge that I am pregnant the other day while we were walking around the Harley-Davidson store.
Last night I started a registry on Wal-Mart & Target's websites, due to the number of people who keep asking if I have yet. If nothing else, we will get discounts on the items we don't receive, which is good considering the price of bigger items (stoller, swing, etc.). It is fun looking through everything, but still a little overwhelming not knowing what I really need or not.
How far along: 23 weeks, 5 days
Baby is the size of: a papaya
Weight: 158 (15 lb. gain thus far)
Baby is the size of: a papaya
Weight: 158 (15 lb. gain thus far)
Cravings: cheese
**Edit: looking at the last picture to this one seems like such a big change in only 2 weeks!! Geez louise.
perfect pregnant belly! aghiueahkjdbfhsajery. glad to hear you have some registries! going to look right meow