My belly is starting to make my shirts look like a tent:

I feel like things are pretty easygoing lately, and time is moving by at a decent pace. As of a couple days ago I have officially been pregnant for half of a year already!
Some days I feel gigantic, and others I think I should look a lot bigger considering I've put nearly 20 pounds on. My right boob has decided to play catch up in the leaking game, and I have had to change shirts in the middle of the night now because they get so wet. I can't believe I have 14 more weeks of this BEFORE the baby (and milk) is even here.
Today was my first day wearing support stockings that a co-worker gave me. Basically they are SUPER tight ultra durable feeling nylons that are supposed to help leg pains, and reduce issues with veins. I know I can't change what looks like red and purple fireworks that have already appeared on my calves, but perhaps these will help prevent more? We'll see.
Next week marks the beginning of my third and final trimester. I can't stop thinking about what the little dude is gonna look like.
How far along: 26 weeks, 1 day
Baby is the size of: an eggplant
Weight: 162 (19 lb. gain thus far)
Cravings: grapefruit & pomegranate juice mixed - delicious!
Cravings: grapefruit & pomegranate juice mixed - delicious!
those stocking things sound horrendously uncomfortable. have you tried them yet? also, how are you already almost 2/3 of the way there? 6 months? this is madness. i love your blogs and your pictures though. xo