Me and Baby Foster rockin' the tie dye from my bachelorette party:

I keep getting nosebleeds lately. I mean, I always used to have issues with them in the wintertime, but it's August for cryin' out loud! For example, last night I woke from a dead sleep around 3 a.m. and realized in my foggy state of mind I was having one. Ran to the bathroom and flipped on the lights, thus nearly blinding myself. Finally successfully reached around and found the toilet paper. Eyes slowly adjusted only to find my hand and face covered in dried blood from subconsciously wiping my nose in my sleep. SO GROSS! This kid is grounded already.
Honestly though, it's all so great and exciting. Last night it was moving around a lot more than I've felt thus far. No real strong jabs or kicks yet, but definitely lots of activity. Doctor's appointment tomorrow. One day closer to our big ultrasound!
How far along: 17 weeks, 6 days
Baby is the size of: an onion (still. tomorrow it becomes a sweet potato)
Weight: 146
Cravings: i'm all about the reese's peanut butter cups lately. king size package and all. hell yes for not feeling super guilty!
cutest belly in all the land. can't WAIT to find out if it's a boy or a girl or an alligator. just kidding...but that would be weird. i wish i could feel the little kicker, but blogs will have to suffice. at work they've put me in the nursery, and we have babies from 3 months to like 2 years. whenever i'm playing with them or changing horrible nasty "nappies" or getting vomited on, or cuddling, i think, "mel is so close to having the best thing ever happen to her." for realz. love you!