
Another Milestone

Today I am 37 weeks along, which means technically I am considered "full term". Thus, if I went into labor right now, Wyatt would have a very high chance of sustaining his own health and breathing outside of the womb. However, from everything I've gathered, the longer he stays in there the better for now. I wouldn't mind if he came just a little early though. Say, 1/11/11?

Anyhow, Sunday night I found out I had strep throat. I am now undergoing 10 days of taking penicillin. My boss gave me Monday off, then I had my usual Tuesday/Wednesday. Lots of hours on the couch/internet/bed. Tonight was my first shift back, though much shorter than normal. Did pretty well, considering, however I talked so much at work that my throat feels a little irritated again. This week finally made me hit the point of thinking "I want to be done!". I feel huge, and unattractive, and run down. Just 3 weeks left! And only 13 days of work (not that I'm counting or anything...)

I think I've had my first contractions, though they are extremely random. However, if my hunch is correct, then holy hell labor is going to hurt. I really would love to have a med-free birth, but I just don't know. If anything, I hope to avoid an epidural and/or c-section.

How far along: 37 weeks
Baby is the size of: a WATERMELON! Holy $#*@!!! Roughly 6.5 lbs right now
Weight: 184 (41 lb. gain - I've totally given up caring and just eat whatever I want)
Cravings: none really. I feel like I eat far less lately than I should. No space left for food.

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