Well I guess looking at my last picture, to this week's, people at work are right - I am dropping. We are officially less than 2 weeks until my due date, however I'm beginning to think I will be pregnant forever. Each day seems to drag by so slowly, and I'm constantly wondering when I will go into labor. My shifts at work have been shortened, which is great, however I am still very uncomfortable and exhausted by the time I get home. I'm very anxious, but also nervous. I can't wait to meet our son and enjoy becoming a mother, but there are times where I stop and think about how much life is about to change. It's strange that my time and thoughts will soon be consumed with poopy diapers and bottle feedings. Anyhow, with any luck, this may be my last pregnant post!
How far along: 38 weeks, 1 day
Baby is the size of: a watermelon, from here on out...
Weight: 184 (41 lb. gain - I think I have leveled off now)
Cravings: not really craving anything, but have intentionally been eating foods as spicy as my wimpyness can handle, hoping it might help somehow
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