
Over the hump

 Another comparison photo. Left is today, right is with Wyatt on this exact day.

I'm past the half way mark, and yet I feel like I have forever left to go. Feeling really well lately. My appetite is out of control. For example, I ate an entire box of Cheez-Its in one day. So, that's totally healthy and my baby will come out orange I am sure.

In good news, I am only up 5 lbs as of right now, and on this day with Wyatt I was up 10 lbs, so I guess I'm doing better thus far. 

Not much else to update on for now. Still stuck between two names for our little girl. I will win this one at some point :)

How far along: 21 weeks, 4 days
Baby is the size of: a pomegranate
Weight: 165
Cravings: anything and everything


  1. Your bump is adorable! So glad you've got a good appetite and that the baby will come out looking like Snooki...hehehe. Do we get to know the name once you've picked?!?! I can't remember if you told us Wyatt before he was actually born, or if you waited. Love your blogs :) xo

    1. You get to know the name. We told ASAP with Wyatt. We are between Lauren or Elise. I forget if I already told you our two choices.

  2. I can't believe I'm JUST seeing your reply! Love them both, they are beautiful names! I can't wait to meet her!!!!
