I can't believe my due date is only 3 days away. I know it's likely I could go past that, but still, any day now life is going to change completely! I am officially on maternity leave (YAY!) until probably sometime in April. I was able to spend a lot of time with family today, and hopefully get the house spruced up a bit the next few days before Wyatt arrives. I have my fingers crossed that the snowstorm tomorrow coupled with Wednesday's full moon will kick things into gear. Sounds crazy, but a drop in barometric pressure and full moons both have a correlation to increased numbers of women going into labor. Knock on wood!
Another good sign is that yesterday I lost my mucus plug. Even just typing those two words together makes me cringe, however I was super excited to have it happen. It may not mean labor will start immediately, however it does represent some progress going on with my body preparing.
Probably the next time I write in this I will be a mom! See you on the flip side :)
How far along: 39 weeks, 4 days
Baby is the size of: a watermelon
Weight: 186 (43 lb. gain)
Cravings: just had a McD's quarter pounder meal. So bad, but oh so good.
Baby is the size of: a watermelon
Weight: 186 (43 lb. gain)
Cravings: just had a McD's quarter pounder meal. So bad, but oh so good.