I am a bit delayed in creating my pregnancy journal, but I keep forgetting to buy a real notebook to write in, so I have caved in to my laziness and created a blog.
To recap:
Sunday May 9th (Mother's Day, ironically enough) I took my first pregnancy test and got a positive! I was feeling as though I may have been pregnant, but having never been pregnant before I couldn't be sure. It was both exciting, and is still overwhelming, to find out that I am. By my calculations I will be due January 19, 2011 but I will confirm that at my first doctor's appointment in early June.
Two days later on Tuesday I had planned on telling my mother after work. In the morning I went to the gym, where I typically guzzle water. Before heading to work I decided to take the second pregnancy test in the package just to be sure it was all really happening. Test #2 says "Not Pregnant". Confusion. I didn't have time before work to buy more tests, so I spent all day being worried and sad that I had already lost a little one I had started to love so much. Finally got out of work and took 2 tests on 2 different brands, and both confirmed that I was actually pregnant! Phew. Guess all my water-guzzling diluted my pee enough to throw off the reading.
So far I have no symptoms that are very strong or annoying. The first few nights I had crazy violent nightmares. I wake up every morning with a very stiff back and neck after sleeping like a rock all night. I have had on and off period-like cramps. The past few days my boobs have started feeling really heavy and sore. For the most part though, I don't "feel" pregnant yet. I suppose when my belly has turned into a bump everything will seem more real. My favorite part so far is that I get to take Flinstone vitamins again - I forgot how delicious those are!
Other than baby news, we are 4 days away from our wedding. I just finished packing for our honeymoon in Costa Rica (little pea will be a world traveler from a very early age!). These next few days will certainly be hectic, but I am very excited for our long awaited and planned day to finally arrive.
How far along: 4 weeks, 5 days
Baby is the size of: a poppyseed!
Weight: 144
Gym: no
Water: 48 oz
Cravings: cheesy stuff. lots of it. (not so helpful with the constipation symptom...)