
We Have A Baby!


I have been so incredibly anxious since we found out we are pregnant to have our ultrasound. After our loss in June I knew it was going to feel scary to be back in that room finding out of the last month was real or not. It was such a relief to see a little baby blob on the screen, and then to see that heartbeat flickering away! Baby S measured 2 days ahead of where we are at, with a heart rate of 170. Feeling so much relief that this is our time finally ☺️


7 Weeks

 Feeling excited to be this far along! It’s hard not to worry each day. I think once we have our ultrasound this week I’ll be able to relax more. My dreams have been screwy, multiple dreams about bleeding and early on I had dreams about my pregnancy test lines getting lighter. After our last loss my dreams make me nervous since last time it came true.

I was really nauseous from 6-6+5, then had a few days where it felt less intense. Last night I was back to dry heaving. My boobs have felt big and sore for a few days, especially my nipples 😫

All I’m eating is carbs - bread, mini bagels, crackers, pasta. I had grapes one day and broccoli the next and those felt like a win haha.

Looking forward to the rest of this journey!

7 weeks 2 days


Baby Smitsta

This past year of trying to get pregnant has been a rollercoaster,  and we are back again for the fourth time!

We found out on Sunday 10/10, I took a test that day because I knew we might be able to tell and I didn’t want to drink at Squid’s wedding if I was pregnant. 

Today I am 5 weeks and 2 days along. The first week we knew I felt crampy quite a bit on and off. Lately I really have had barely any symptoms. It’s made me nervous even though I know I should be grateful I’m not super nauseous. I burp up quite often, that’s been the one constant symptom. 

We have our ultrasound booked for 11/10. I am both excited and also very anxious after last time. I pray that this little baby is growing on track and we will get to see it and its strong heart beat! 

The first time I weighed myself after we found out I was 167.5 lbs. This is the heaviest I’m starting any pregnancy at, so I am putting it out to the universe that I only want to gain 20 lbs. I hope to keep active once I know little bean is growing ok.

No strong cravings so far, but I have really enjoyed cheese and orange juice/orange flavored drinks.


Baby Smith

The day I found out vs. post Xmas bloat looking three months along already

It’s a strange thing in some ways to be pregnant again 8+ years after your last pregnancy, but Steve and I are excited to be having a child of our own! After a few months we finally got the positive test before Xmas and were able to share the news with our families on Xmas day. 

I’ve been getting tired earlier than normal. The few days after Xmas I was suuuuper bloated and felt so huge already. Now that I’m focusing on drinking more water and making better food choices the bloat has gone down, but I’m still up 4lbs in just a couple of weeks. Hoping to keep the overall weight gain in check. Early on I wanted cheese. I’ve been loving the Bai clementine flavored drinks, and as always my Diet Coke. I feel hungrier than normal, and my boobs have been sore, mostly first thing in the morning. 

Our first appointment is a phone appointment on Wyatt’s birthday. Looking forward to learning what the process is these days with covid. 

5 weeks 6 days

161.1 lbs


Less than a month

This was taken a few days ago, before me, Mom and Wyatt went to the Red Sox game. 

Officially less than a month until my due date! Had an appointment yesterday morning. The midwife said Abby is very low (no duh - that's why I can't stop peeing/feel like there's a bowling ball between my legs), and that she feels on the small side (victory cheers for my vagina!). I go back a week from today. Depending on how I feel throughout the week I may have them check and see if I'm dilated at all. I have this weird gut feeling that I'm going to go early this time. Guess we'll see!

Otherwise the "nesting" urge has really kicked in lately. I've done lots of shopping for clothes this week since she was fated to live in her own little nudist colony if I hadn't (plus shopping is fun!). I've also made a to-do list of projects to get the house cleaned and ready. Michael kicked it off today by using the rug doctor on all the carpets, and mopping all the floors. I need to wash the infant car seat and get it installed in my car so it's ready to go. I need to wash all the aforementioned clothes so they will be ready for her. I need to pack my hospital bag so it will be ready to grab and go. Buy new bottles/pacifiers/etc. So so much to do.

How far along: 36 weeks 1 day
Baby is the size of: a honeydew melon
Weight: 181
Cravings: lets just say it's a very bad thing that the Halloween "fun size" candy bars are out *insert blushing here*


Next Month

When people ask me when I'm due I now get to say, "next month". When the heck did that happen??

Had an appointment yesterday morning and finally saw the midwife who delivered Wyatt (there are 4 midwives in my practice, and I hadn't seen her yet this pregnancy). I really hope she is the one working in the hospital the day I give birth to Abigail. That would be so cool! 

Anyhow, everything is looking good. Abby is head down like she should be by now (although it's highly uncomfortable!). Based on feeling my belly, Laura (the midwife) said she thinks Abby feels pretty average sized so far. I go back in two weeks, and then I have weekly appointments from there. It's approaching so so so quickly now. 

Our double stroller got delivered the other day, so now I need to find the time to put it together and test it out since I bought it online when it was on sale without ever actually checking it out in stores. I also need to get my butt in gear and get our bedroom deep cleaned and organized for having the bassinet and a changing area. And get Wyatt's room deep cleaned and organized, since they will eventually be sharing (and Abby's clothes will be in there from the get go). 

How far along: 34 weeks 1 day
Baby is the size of: a butternut squash
Weight: 178
Cravings: chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate


Tick Tock

I feel like time is moving SO slowly lately. I'm not sleeping that comfortably. I wake up usually 3-5 times a night to go pee. After barely eating any food I feel completely stuffed and it's hard to breathe, even though my brain still thinks I'm hungry. Tonight I feel really nauseous for the first time in a while. I actually threw up once, and learned that popcorn is not fun coming back up. 

In non-whiny news, I got in the shower today with my underwear on. That was pretty awesome. I know I can be forgetful, but sheesh!

I guess I can't believe I still have 9 more weeks of this, and yet I try to tell myself to enjoy it because I know I will miss being pregnant, and we are definitely not having any more children after Abby.

 I have been thinking a lot about the fact that I am going to have to go through labor again, and trying to mentally gear up to go for med-free if possible. I also feel like there is an ass pile of things to get done before she arrives, so I am anxiously awaiting Labor Day when I will be cutting back hours at the restaurant even more and can hopefully have time to get the house organized the way I want.

How far along: 30 weeks 6 days
Baby is the size of: a pineapple
Weight: 172
Cravings: nothing specific - been eating lots of snacks since I get full so easily (cheese, trail mix, etc.)